Monday, October 18, 2010


First of all, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I've had a lot going on and I will be posting alot now again.  And second, I got tagged by the extrordinary Bleah Briann!

1. Does having to play these Blogger games make you wanna punch someone in the face 'cause it postpones posting about your ever-so-melodramatic life? No, I love you, little tag, I would never hurt you!!!

2. What are your feelings on zombies? Hmmm, well, my feelings on zombies would have to be...  I don't like them, but I am writing a book with a zombie in it...

3. If you could visit any time period ever, what would it be, and who would you take with you (this person has to be real, and someone you actually know)? I would go back to the Victorian times so I could dress up, and ride in horsedrawn carriages to a boarding school in england, and I would take Katie :).

4. If I gave you Scotch tape, a sharpie, and some studded gloves, what would you do with 'em?  Um, I'm not quite sure...

5. Are you suspicious or sympathetic towards third wheels? Sympathetic, definitely.

6. Pretend you have a sandbox. But it's not filled with sand. Instead, what is it filled with? Tiny little diamonds that don't hurt your feet, but look very pretty.

7. Do you prefer stupid nonsensical questions, or deep metaphorical ones which make you ponder life, God, and the universe around us itself? I like a happy balance of both :D!

8. Tell me what your regular disposition on life is casually cool!

{one}-- do you consider yourself a good person? Why or why not...  A good person, yes, a perfect person... no.
{two}-- do you ever wish you lived someone elses life? Who's and why... Not really, I am happy in my own high heels  :D...
{three}-- if you had one thousand dollars, and you could only buy one thing, and you had to keep it forever and ever, what would it be?  Ummmm, a lifetime Picnik subscription???
{four}--If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life what would it be?  The way I am by Ingrid Michaelson.
{five}-- what is your favorite color pen?  PINK!!!
{six}-- If you died today what do you wish you would have done? Or are you happy with your life up do date? Yes!  I would wish I was a better, kinder person.
{seven}-- Pick the three people in your life you would be willing to live in the same house with for the rest of your life?  Sierra, Katie, (other) Katie.
{eight}-- if blogger ceased to exist today, how would that make you feel?  Like crying!!! :'(

Now for my questions...
What is your favorite junk food?
What is your favortie pastime, NOT BLOGGING?
If you bought a chamelion, what would you name it?
Will you marry me?  Right now?  :D  Teehee...
If you could change your name, what would it be?
How do you spell...  dinosaur?
If I bit you... what would you do (not that I would do that, of course)
Can I bite you???  Haha, I'm so bored!

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