Monday, October 11, 2010

A bunch of stuff!

Ok, so pretty much this post will be a lot of random stuff because I have done a lot these past weeks.

  • I GOT CONTACTS!!! No more glasses for me!!!
  • I went to the World Equestrian Games, and it was SOOOO much fun!
  • I went to Keeneland and watched a few races, although none of the horses I bet on to win actually won (I only bet two dollars each)!
  • I am happy right now!
  • We recently had an AWESOME guest post by Bleah Briann (see below post)!
OK, now, no more bullet points.  I need your advice on something.  I am changing my blog background and stuff for Halloween.  I need you to vote on the poll on the sidebar ------>,
because we had a tie last time I had this poll up.  So, please, don't forget to vote so I can change up my design!  Please!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn said...

Hey There,
Thanks for the comment on my blog! :) Yes, as you can see, I still have snow falling on my blog, I've had it there all summer too....
{BTW, if you haven't already noticed, I'm blonde....and proud of it!}

Blessings Always,
Katie {AKA, Grammar Girl}