Thursday, October 28, 2010

Haven't done this in a while!

{one} have you ever seen a ghost?
I've thought I have, but no, not for sure.

{two} when was the last time you dressed up for halloween?
Last year ;D.

{three} what’s your favorite candy?
Can I pick more than one?   *No!*  Ok, sorry, most definitely chocolate something!

{four} did you have a favorite costume growing up?
Yes, a fairy!

{five} did you carve pumpkins this year?
Yes ma'am (or is it sir?), I made one a cat and one a mean smiley face.

{six} what’s your favorite scary movie?
Anything that can scare me...

{seven} haunted houses or corn mazes?
Haunted houses!!!  I love being scared!!!

{eight} are you superstitious?
Not really, maybe just a tiny bit.  God is in control.

{nine} have you ever owned a black cat?
I don't think so.

{ten} what are you plans for this coming halloween?
Trick-or-treating with friends!

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