Sunday, October 10, 2010

First EVER guest post by Bleah Briann!!!

So, this incredibly spectacular post is from Bleah Briann over at ~With Love and Kisses~.  Enjoy!

Sorry if this post isn't very good... I've been stuggeling with writers block.
Hello! My name is Bleah Briann and I would L-O-V-E to thank Courtney for letting me post. She's pretty amazing in case y'all didn't notice that already.
Well, I'll tell you a little bit about me. I reside at ~With Love and Kisses~ ( where I write about pretty random stuff, if you ever wanted to stop by I have a seat waiting just for you!
I'm 15 years old, homeschooled, and Christian, I love to sing... dance... and just be a silly care free teenager in love with my Jesus. Anyone with me?
Today, I just wanted to express to you, express the undying feeling that overwhelmes me when I actually take the time to let it.
Alright... blogger challenge! So early in the game? LOL silly people, yes!
Clothes your eyes, and breath three times. Slowly. Let anything and everything come into your mind, and just... think about it.
Now open your eyes...
do you remember what you were thinking? I KNOW! I can't either. But yet... its exhilerating. Its like letting go.
I enjoy sitting in my room with music on and a book in my hand, melting into the book and the music and just letter all the stuff go.
The blood of Jesus is alot like that you know? If you just allow it to wash over you and sink into you it will wash away every fear, every doubt, every thought that you aren't good enough. Trust me, He did it for me, I'm sure he can do it for you. So take the time to think, and if you find yourself wanting to forget... take it to the cross. Because thats where it belongs.
Much Love, and many Blessings,
Bleah Briann
There's no music in a "rest", but there's the making of music in it. And people are always missing that part of the life melody, always talking of perserverance and courage and fortitude but patience is the finest and worthiest part of fortitude, and the rarest, too.

Let's have a round of applause please!!!  *Sound of audience cheering*  Well, there you have it!  Do I have anyone else who would like to post?

Thanks so much, my dear, darling Bleah!  I absolutely love this girl and she is so much fun and energetic and just pretty darn AWESOME!!!

Much <3333,

1 comment:

Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

AWe! Thanks... I'm glad you liked it. :) I'm so honored that you thought of me for this very important task.

Bleah Briann... you're more awesome then I could ever hope to be, just so you know.