Monday, September 20, 2010


i know, some people are out there going "One hundred?  Please, I've already had 9,ooo!"  but this is a big deal to meeeeee!  i am extremely excited and would like to thank each and every one of my followers with s shout-out

Thank you!  <333333!  I love you all and am so happy that you have (put up with me) for one hundred posts!!!!!!  <333333333!
And, soon I will be hosting my very first GIVEAWAY as a celebration!  Also, would anyone like to guest post?  Pretty please?  If you drop me a comment saying you will, I'll get it set up and you can!  PLEASE?

<33333, an ecstatic Courtney!


Abby said...

Congratulations! Happy 100! I would love to guest post, but I've never done it before. Oooh, I can't wait until your giveaway!

Abby :D

Anonymous said...


Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends