Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hey y'all!  What's up??? We haven't done too much...  Let's see, my sister went to her friends house to go swimming- always fun- and I went to the orthodontist to get new colors for my braces!!!  I now have pretty red and light blue.  Yay but owwww!!! Anyway, I have about 5 more months with one appliance in my mouth and about 6 months with braces!!!  Can't wait to get them off but I know it's gonna hurt!!!  If you didn't see the post about that super cute giveaway, it is in the post before this one!  Oh well, I probably won't test for my brown belt in karate because I don't like it anymore and don't like to come.  I barely EVER come anymore because honestly, I don't wanna!!!  It's not fun anymore and I can still see my friends (Sidney) from karate!  I have been e-mailing her so we can get 2gether soon.  Plus, I have other stuff to do, like go to the pool, hang with friends, um, write...  Ok, so, not very good reasons but I don't care!  I'm just not gonna go soon...  Also, Peace Love Earth, Courtney is getting kinda old.  I mean, you have all heard it so many times now!!!  I'll be trying different ones including...

Xoxo lots of love!!!
xo Courtney xo


Anonymous said...

What is the giveaway? What are you giving away?

Fiddlin Girl said...

Thank you for following my blog. I didn't block you. :)

In Christ Alone,

Courtney Paige said...

1. Erin, it's not MY giveaway, it's someone else's- EXTREMELY cute earrings

2. No problem!